You Have The Power To Conquer Stress!
"Stress is brought on by the mind and you have the power to overcome the stress that the ego wants to make you feel. Things such as...
Stress Is A Concept Of The Mind!
"Stress is brought on by the mind and you have the power to overcome the stress that ego makes you want to feel" ~Nicoe Gauder~
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The Ego’s Role in Stress: What You Need to Know
The ego plays a significant role in bringing on stress in our lives. It thrives on negative emotions and can easily take over our minds.
You Are Not The Ego!
You are not the personhood that the ego has created. You are beyond the identity of who you think you are. ~Nicole Gauder~
Are You Content?
If you are not content with yourself, it is because you believe the illusion that the ego (edging God out) has fed you. ~Nicole Gauder~
The Way Is Not Really A Way.
The way is not really a way. It is a depth. It is not a distance. It is a deepening into the stillness, stabilizing in the unmoving. It...
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The Choice Is Yours!
I choose Divinity over the ego.
The ego makes no sense.
If you point out the errors of your brother’s ego you must be seeing through yours, because the Holy Spirit does not perceive his errors....
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Let go of ego and let God.
I let go of the ego and accept my True Divinity!
All blame is a waste of time.
All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not...