A New Confident You Package
Conquer the mental barriers which drain you of your energy and leave you feeling low self-esteem, and build a confident new mindset.
Initial Kick Off Clarity Session: During your initial “Kick Off Clarity Session”, we will gain insight of your current situation and focus on your most important priorities and goals to guide you in the right direction on your Be In Truth Journey to reap you the most beneficial rewards.
Increase Your Confidence Sessions: During your “Increase Your Confidence Sessions”, you will learn how to overcome self-doubt, We will work together on building your confidence by discovering and removing mental blocks that have you feeling stress and which hold you back from living your ideal life.
Confidence Breakthrough Sessions: These Sessions are to be booked after you have completed all of your “Increase Your Confidence Sessions”. During these sessions we will work on solidifying your new confident mindset which you will gain from your “Increase Your Confidence Sessions”, so you can continue to move forward along your journey in clarity and confidence.
Emergency I’m Stuck Sessions: For when you feel stuck and need answers to your burring questions. These sessions can be used sporadically throughout the duration of the package.
Celebrate Your Success Session: This session is dedicated to celebrating your successes and achievements. Together we plan the next steps for you to continue along your Confidence Journey with Elevated Self-Esteem, Clarity, Empowerment and Passion.
True Purpose Clarity Bonus Session: During this session we will explore your life purpose and guide you to your inner truth, leaving you feeling at peace and empowered to move forward with unshakable confidence.
Duration: 3 Months.
Investment: $3499 or 12 monthly payments of $325 (Full Access - phone and online)
$3299 or 12 monthly payments of $309 (online access only)
All packages come with tools and strategies to further your Growth and Ascension.
Calm The Mind, Clear The Confusion
Break free of the mental chains that hold you back from your deepest desires.
Initial Kick Off Clarity Session: During your initial “Kick Off Clarity Session”, we will gain insight of your current situation and focus on your most important priorities and goals to guide you in the right direction on your Be In Truth Journey to reap you the most beneficial rewards.
Mental Breakthrough Sessions: During this session we will explore your mindset to determine if you have any false beliefs which are keeping you stuck and held back. Once we determine where any mental blocks holding you back may be, we will then begin the uprooting process, so you are ready for a revitalized clear mindset towards your goals.
Mind Revitalization Sessions: These sessions are to be booked after you have completed your mental breakthrough sessions. During these sessions we will replant positive, proactive thoughts to replace the false beliefs which we discover during your mental breakthrough sessions. Leaving you feeling fulfilled and clear while moving forward.
Emergency I’m Stuck Sessions: For when you feel stuck and need answers to your burring questions. These sessions can be used sporadically throughout the time of the package.
Celebrate Your Success Session: This session is dedicated to celebrating your successes and achievements. Together we plan for the next steps for you to continue along your Journey with Clarity, Empowerment, and Passion.
Unlock The Power Of Your Mind Bonus Session: During this session you will learn about the depths of your mind and the power that awaits for your awareness to unlock it.
Duration: 6 Weeks.
Investment: $999 or 12 monthly payments of $109 (Full Access - phone and online)
$799 or 12 monthly payments of $75 (online access only)
Design Your Destiny Package
Consciously use the power of your mind to create the stress-free life of your dreams.
Initial Kick Off Clarity Session: During your initial “Kick Off Clarity Session”, we will gain insight of your current situation and focus on your most important priorities and goals to guide you in the right direction on your Be In Truth Journey to reap you the most beneficial rewards.
Self-Discovery Session: In this session you will learn about your true power and potential and how to harness it to be able to create the life of your choosing. We will explore to determine if there are any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from being a conscious co-creator in your life, and living the life of your dreams.
Power Mindset Breakthrough Sessions: During these sessions, we will uproot and reprogram any limiting beliefs which have been holding you back. You will learn to tap into the power you learned to harness in your “Self-Discovery Session”. You will begin to adapt a new mindset aligned with your power so you can begin to manifest your desires.
Conscious Creation Sessions: These Sessions are to be booked after you have completed your “Power Mindset Sessions”. At this stage you are ready to design your destiny. During these sessions you will learn how to become aware of your inner Source (your Higher Self) to deliberately achieve your goals by deliberately creating your life. We will create an action plan and explore your next steps of your Journey Of Conscious Creation.
Emergency I’m Stuck Sessions: For when you feel stuck and need answers to your burring questions. These sessions can be used sporadically throughout the time of the package.
Celebrate Your Success Session: This session is dedicated to celebrating your successes and achievements. Together we plan for the next steps for you to continue along your Conscious Creation Journey with your Higher Self, Clarity, Empowerment and Purpose.
Inner Truth Exploration Bonus Session: During this session we will explore your inner truth which will help lead you to your Higher Self. You will learn how to connect to your Higher Self and tap into your Power whenever you are in need of Divine Guidance when designing your destiny and achieving your dreams.
Duration: 6 Months.
Investment: $7999 or 12 monthly payments of $749 (full access - phone and online)
$7499 or 12 monthly payments of $685 (online access only)