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What Drives BE IN TRUTH?



Life does not have to be a struggle. The Key to have a happy life is to BE IN YOUR OWN TRUTH!

What Is Your Truth? Your Truth Is Whatever You Make It. It is what you align with in your life. 

You have the ability to tap into the higher you which contains infinite wisdom, power, and potential! 

You are the only thinker in your mind.  You are the only one to experience your life, and you have complete control over how your life unfolds.  Life is too precious to feel stressed out due to feelings such as anxiety, doubt, worry, frustration, fear, etc.

You are bigger than those seeming negative emotions. You have within you the power and potential to overcome negative feelings and not have them rule your life. You deserve to be your happiest self and it is not difficult to be. It is your birthright to be happy!

Happiness is not something you find in life, it is something you bring to life, and you have the power of choice to be happy right now. Simply choose to be. A thought has no power over you unless you give it power. Don't pay attention to any thought which causes negative feelings. Stay focused on what makes you feel good.  


You may have your mind screaming out with false beliefs as you try to be happy in the present moment. Those thoughts to surface are most likely false beliefs which have been holding you back from living a happy fulfilled life.

The good news is that it is not difficult to move past them, to be the Empowered Divine Being that you are while moving forward with confidence and clarity in your life toward your True Self. Your time is Now! Don’t wait another minute to Start Being Empowered.

Clients Which Benefit Most From My Services Are People:

  • Who feel stress, anxiety, and doubt and want to move forward but feel lost

  • Who have fear holding them back from being their Highest Happiest Self

  • Who feel alone, face insecurity, worry, and confusion and are seeking Peace of Mind.

  • Who have searched for answers to better their life but are having difficulty finding their own Truth.

  • Who do not want to give away their power through the same mental mistakes which have them disappointed over and over again.

  • Who are unhappy and looking for a new way to Happiness.

  • Who feel low self-worth and want to feel Empowered.

  • Who are looking to take control of their lives and make it to the next step in their life journey.

  • Who feel alone and have nowhere to turn

  • Who’s lives are not going as they wish and are seeking Positive Change.

  • Who feel empty and want to move forward in Confidence.

  • Who want to end suffering

  • Looking to invest in themselves spiritually.

  • Who feel stuck and are looking to move forward in their lives.

  • Who want to regain control of their lives.

  • Seeking a New Beginning full of all of their Heart’s Desires

  • Seeking a clear understanding of life and its Purpose

  • Seeking to find their Higher Infinite Self.

  • Looking to learn about Manifestation or take their Manifesting skills to the next level. 

  • Who are seeking Divine/Inner Guidance

  • Who want to remove the veil of illusion from the ego and discover SELF.

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Nicole Gauder


You cannot go wrong in this game of life. You bring to this world something unique and special that only you possess.

Never underestimate your Divinity and Wonder. You are a Divine part of the Whole. Shine bright for all to enjoy!


~Nicole Gauder~

You Are So Much More Than You Know And I AM Here To Help You Understand That.

I am a Spiritual Alignment Specialist, Mental Healer, Certified Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Author. I am certified through the Global Sciences Foundation and I have been assisting people to reach elevated levels of consciousness for over a decade.

My mission is to empower, enlighten, inspire, and align people seeking spiritual growth and to provide them with the right knowledge and tools to make them consciously aware of their own power and potential which we all possess within, so they can live the life they truly desire and deserve. We are spiritual energy beings having a human experience and I am here to offer a fresh perspective on life and how to feel empowered, fulfilled, and in spirit. 

I can also be found on                    and                    where I continue to inspire and enlighten people seeking ascension along their spiritual journey.


Patrick Buckham - Coleman 

“Nicole, thanks for shining your bright light all these years. You continue to inspire me and motivate me in so many ways! Keep up the great work. The world needs your messages; slowly we’re all waking up together… Peace..”


Meelika Nadia 

"Nicole, you have helped me and guided me in so many ways in my life. I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life. Whenever I am unsure I always come to you and Everything is guaranteed that everything will be fine and guess what? Everything is amazing now because you’ve helped me and motivated me and reminded me to get into the vortex and always feel good now because our true power is always right here right now! I am continuously blessed and honoured to have you Nicole as my Angel on Earth”


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