Stress Stems From The Mind
Stress is brought on by the mind.

You Have The Power To Bring Peace To Your Experience.
You have the power to feel peace through any problem/challenge that you face.
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There Is Hope!
"If overthinking is causing you to struggle, you'll be glad to know that it's possible to find mental peace again." ~Nicole Gauder~
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The Power Is Within You!
"You are powerful and full of potential. It all has to do with your thought process and alignment, and you are in control of that."...

You Are More Powerful Than You May Know!
"You are powerful and full of potential. It all begins with your thought process and alignment, and you are in control of that." ~Nicole...
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You Can Deliberately Create Your Reality!
"Once you accept that everything is as you make it, you will learn to deliberately think in a certain way so overthinking and stress are...
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Tame The Mind and Ease The Stress
For those who have found true peace and are living in harmonious alignment with life and all they desire...
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Do You Tend To Overanalyze?
Overanalyzing and negative thinking are detrimental to living a happy fulfilled life of inner peace. The mind is a very powerful tool. It...
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Stress Is A Concept Of The Mind!
"Stress is brought on by the mind and you have the power to overcome the stress that ego makes you want to feel" ~Nicoe Gauder~
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Are You Holding Yourself Back?
“Stop limiting your own potential and develop the power of positive thinking within yourself.” ~Nicole Gauder~