Breaking the Habit of Overthinking: A Simple Approach
It is important to practice self-compassion and be patient with yourself as you work to break the habit of overthinking.
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How Are You Using Your Energy?
Emotion is energy in motion, and it is this energy in motion that you send out to the Universe that creates your reality. ~Nicole Gauder~
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Consciousness Is The Root!
Consciousness is at the root of all there is. Consciousness then thought, then feeling, then emotion – energy in motion. ~Nicole Gauder~

Healing Emotional Wounds
Reading Time: 1 Minute, 49 Seconds. ARE YOU THE TYPE OF INDIVIDUAL THAT HAS DIFFICULTY LETTING THINGS GO? You reconsider each fault and...

You Are In Control Of Your Life.
Don’t allow others to strip you of your Power. By allowing another to get “under your skin” and control your emotions, you give your...
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Are you living completely from your mind?
When we live completely from the mind over a period of time, we lose touch with the infinite self, and then we begin to feel lost. This...

The Truth About Pleasing Others.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes, 20 Seconds WHY IS IT THAT YOU CAN PLEASE OTHERS SO MUCH YET STILL FEEL EMPTY INSIDE? Truth is it is good to make...

Alignment... What Does It Mean?
Reading Time: 3 Minutes, 53 Seconds DO YOU HAVE TROUBLE GETTING IN TO ALIGNMENT AND STAYING THERE? To be aligned means to be on the same...

The Secret To Starting To Know God.
Reading Time: 2 Minutes, 30 Seconds ARE YOU AWARE OF YOUR CONNECTION WITH GOD? You may be thinking "here we go… let me guess, look within...

Do You Have Faith?
FAITH is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the...