Your Point Of Power Is Now!
You: Yes you, have the power to tap into this source Now!
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You Are Source Energy.
I AM an extension of Source Energy. I am Powerful beyond means!

One Of two Things Must Be Done...
One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and require a higher power to help you or investigate...

Meditation Guide For Spiritual Living
READING TIME 1 MINUTE, 35 SECONDS ARE YOU LOOKING TO TAP INTO YOUR SPIRITUALITY? Meditation is a technique that we can use at any time...
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Your answers are found within you.
When the stresses of life try and get you down, ask yourself, "How does this serve the agenda of my soul?" The answer to this question...
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Align Yourself With Well Being First.
Let your alignment (with Well-Being) be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally...

Following Your Heart To Happiness.
Reading Time: 3 Minutes, 54 Seconds DO YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETIMES FOLLOWING YOUR HEART IS THE HARDEST THING TO DO? The truth is that it is...

What If You Could?
Reading Time: 2 Minutes EVER WONDER WHAT IT WOULD FEEL LIKE TO BE LIMITLESS? What if you could be, do, or have all that you desired?...

4 Commonly Asked Law Of Attraction Questions & Answers.
Read Time: 1 Minute, 58 Seconds. When it comes to working with the law of attraction to manifest your desires, it is essential to know...

How To Know If The Higher Self Really Exists
Reading Time: 2 Minutes, 35 Seconds ARE YOU AWARE OF AND BENEFITING FROM YOUR HIGHER SELF? There is so much confusion as to what the...